Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 2 - Gay Marriage

Hello out there! I hope today is going well for you.
Today's blog is going to be about gay marriage. I know, I know! This one is going to be interesting and there are going to be ALOT of people that are going to comment on this, if they even see it.

I don't know why everyone gets all up in arms about this. The beautiful thing about this country is that you have the freedom here to believe in WHATEVER you want! My husband (and I, for a short while) fights to protect that freedom everyday!

So here it is.

There are some people that feel that a marriage should be between a man and woman. They believe this because the Bible says so, or at least that is what I am lead to believe. They feel that it is a sin for 2 people of the same sex to love each other.

There are some people that feel that you should be able to marry whomever you choose, man or woman. Love is love and who cares if it happens to be with someone of the same sex.

Now to all of those who believe that you will burn in hell if you love someone of the same sex, are they hurting you? Seriously, what is the big deal? If you walking down the street and saw Eleen and Porche would you get injured? A bruise? Maybe a black eye? Perhaps you would stop breathing? Who are you to tell ANYONE who they can or can not love, sleep with or marry? Now, let's pretend that you are Catholic but the majority of the population is Jewish. How would you feel if everyone is telling you that you have to be Jewish. It doesn't matter if you don't want to be, it doesn't matter if you know inside that you are Catholic. Everyone believes that if you aren't Jewish you are going to go to hell and it's in your best interest for you to be Jewish because they are trying to save your soul. You are forced to live with Jewish laws everyday knowing deep down that you are Catholic. I bet you wouldn't like others telling you how you should live, so why do it to others? Do unto others right? I don't remember 'Do unto others as you would have done unto you, unless you don't like their beliefs' I may have missed that part.

I understand that everyone has their opinions, and I will never tell you that your opinion is wrong and I will not push mine onto you. But let's think for a minute. Remember, not so long ago, it was considered a crime against nature for a black person and a white person to love each other, let alone get married? And their children? Forget it! They were shunned once it became common knowledge that one of their parents was of a different race! Now-a-days, you don't look twice at a couple of different ethnic backrounds (well, at the decent human beings). I swear that in 10 years, it will be the same thing with gay marriage. No one will think twice to see a married gay couple with kids. It is going to happen and I'm glad to see that some of these states are starting to realize it.

I say, you can love whomever you want, be it a man or a woman. You aren't hurting me at all and it's not like it's a disease that you can catch. I remember a comedian once saying something along the lines of 'Why shouldn't gay people get married? They should have the chance to be as miserable as the rest of us!"


  1. Hi Jen...this blog stuff is great isn't it? :o) I remember when I thought I'd never wanna Silly me.... ;o)
    I've wanted to respond to this topic for a few days but also wanted to wait until the Lord put it on my heart to do so.
    First, let me say thank you for your willingness to speak boldly about those things which are close to your heart. I'm passionate about certain things, too, and so I appreciate your sincerity.
    You know, I'm just now beginning to realize how many misconceptions and misinformation there is out there about God, His word (the Bible) and how He feels about people. Oops! I almost started a continuation of one o' my blogs.....sorry :o( lol
    Seriously, though, I'd like to share my perspective on a few of the issues you mentioned.
    The Bible does clearly define marriage as being the union between a man & a woman. God does say that homosexuality is sinful. He does not say anything about loving someone being a sin. For a Christian to tell someone who is in a same-sex relationship that they are bound for hell is to neglect the real issue of importance. Jesus Christ. To God sin is sin. Same-sex "marriage" is no more a sin than adultery, theft, murder (incl. abortion, but that's another topic),being a liar, etc. Even the so called "white lie" is a sin in God's sight. Bottom line: according to the Creator of everything & everyone, there is only one way to be made right with God. None of us...not you, not me, can ever be good enough for a perfect God. He loves us all sooo much that Jesus came here and paid the price for all our wrongs ever. I'm certain you've heard the gospel and I won't insult your intelligence.
    You see, God knows us all far better than we can ever know ourselves or one another. God is not opposed to love. The "love" isn't the sin, per Se (spelling?) I have no doubt whatever that folks in same-sex unions deeply care for one much as they are capable. Let me say that, prior to truly knowing God, I loved people much as I was able. Only God loves perfectly and only He can teach us how to truly love one another-whether our spouses, friends, children, whoever. Quite simply, those who are in homosexual unions and those who are in heterosexual relationships, marriage or otherwise, who do NOT know Jesus Christ, are missing out on God's best for them. Apart from seeking His plan for our lives we settle for what WE think is best & often times that proves disastrous. God says homosexuality is wrong because it is not His absolute best for people. Satan is real. One of his biggest lies to humanity is that homosexuality is "genetic", that people are born that way. What a sham! (Frustration directed toward the lie, not the people).Cancer, depression,leprosy,blindness, deafness, these things are conditions beyond a person's control and no where in the Bible does God condemn these things or say they are sinful. Why would He? God does, however, speak out plainly about same-sex relationships, adultery, sex outside of marriage, murder, etc. Why? because He knows that, ultimately, these things are NOT for our best.
    (A side note: with regard to same-sex couple, since that's what this blog is about, ALL things God aside, there is scientific evidence to prove the existence and destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah.)

    Let's see: there is only one thing that gets a person into hell....rejecting Jesus Christ. Not acknowledging Him as the Way to heaven...not admitting we've sinned and need to be made right before God. We don't "clean up our act" and then get right with God....then get to know Him. HE cleans up OUR act because we get to know Him.

    With regard to mixed race relationships...I understand your comparison however it's a bit like apples and oranges. God does not care what color a person's skin is. A white woman marries an African American man, it makes no difference to God. It disturbs me that there is so much misconception about God and that the Church, by church I mean the collective population of those proclaiming to be "born again", is responsible for such ideas. The homosexual who leaves this life without Jesus Christ will spend eternity in hell. So will the heterosexual who denies his/her need for Christ. Anyone who really knows God and accepts Him, saying, 'you know what? I really don't deserve God's grace & mercy but because of Jesus I can have it.'..anyone who believes this from their heart will desire to live as God wants him/her to live. (forgive the few run-on sentences.
    Knowing God...not just knowing about Him or believing that there is a god, changes a person. Anyone who wants to know how I can say these things with authority, I'll gladly share. I'm as far from perfect as anyone, believe me. I'll spend eternity in heaven by the grace & mercy of God because Jesus got the mother of all woopings on my behalf 2000 years ago. I struggle every day and my heart breaks because I know the Truth and I see people all around who are as I once was-living life my way, lost, never truly satisfied, thinking I loved and was being loved. Lust & love are so easily made to appear the same that, without the guidance and wisdom of Higher Power (God) we're at a loss to know the difference between the two.
    I have a few friends who are in same-sex relationships. I pray for them, I love them regardless. I also tell them the Truth.

    God is not anti-love but living apart from His standards makes us vulnerable to lies and we never have the very best. Time is short and each one of us needs to know beyond doubt that our hearts are right before God because we will stand before Him in an instant.

  2. I believe in God, but I also believe that it is none of my business what others are doing. I don't have the right to tell anyone who they should/shouldn't marry. Love is love! :)

  3. Many people believe in God. The devil believes in God. It's about so much more than telling someone "who" to love. It's a much bigger picture than that.
    In fact, I wouldn't tell someone who to love. I'd tell them about the love of God and how He desires a relationship with them. Let God do the rest. :o)

  4. I'm gay. I don't know why. I just know I am. I'm not really religious, but I'm open to it. I don't have all the answers. No one ever really does. I just wish that gays were more tolerant of religious people, and that religious people actually followed their teachings, that they should not judge lest they be judged. Whatever issues gay people will have with God should be between them and the God. That's just my two cents.

  5. Hi Christopher. You are right. There are many Christians who DO judge and we (Christians) are told by God not to judge those who don't really know Him. I'm so glad you posted. :o) It;s also true that whatever issues gay folks have with God is between them and God. That's not just true for gay's true for ALL of us....and that doesn't change after a person becomes a that I mean accepts Jesus as Savior. It's NOT about being religious...religion brings condemnation. It's about a relationship. I'd love it if you'd follow/visit my blog as well:

    I'd appreciate any feedback from you.
    BTW-true. No one knows everything...only God knows why any of us does what we do, is how we are, don't do what we ought to. Hope to hear from ya soon...

    ps-do you live in Redding? My cousin, Tina, had a friend named Christopher who lived in Redding.

  6. I totally agree with reedsport777. I can also see Christopher's side too. This life is a hard one. We are in the plan of reconciliation to our Lord. Love, is the number one thing I think of. When it comes to telling someone you are right; you are wrong; just love. Love no matter what. God is the judge, I am not. How we judge, that same measurement will be applied to us. I use to be high and mighty on my horse. Thinking I had it together because I was heavily involved in church, then I was shown the harshness of religion, the judgement of people. I backed away from it all and found love. It is something when your whole life you have been brought up and influenced by piers to believe a certain way and then all that you went against comes into your life in the form of your child. You learn to love no matter what. You don't have to like it, you don't have to condone it or go against your morals, your beliefs but you should show love and not show the up turned nose of judgement. If you know what true, real love is. I know some of you won't agree and some of you will but what makes you right? what makes me right? Why do we have to be right? Why can't we just love and let the rightness come from God in our life, not looking into others lives trying to justify our condemnation on others? Without love, their is just fear. With fear, your a mess.

  7. god is not real. why is it silly for adults to believe in the easter bunny or the tooth fairy but perfectly acceptable for them to believe in some "god" who had a son and killed him and then brought his body to "heaven"?? I mean, come on... use your brain people. It just doesn't make sense.

    The bible was written as a way to control people (Leviticus, all the rules). And it's great when people cite the bible as reason gay people shouldnt be allowed to love each other as equally as heterosexuals. It's funny how those same people ignore passages in the same chapter of the bible that say they must not eat or even touch pig, that they must not eat shell fish. That women are unclean during their period and must be ostrecized. Wake up people.

    To those trying to prevent equal rights to their brothers and sisters... that is not christian at all. Gay people, just like you, feel love. Gay people want the same rights that you have with your spouses. Why would you all fight so hard to prevent people from having equal rights? Do you realize how embarrasing that will be to your children and their children? You are no different then those who would not allow equal rights for blacks. It is wrong to discriminate, no question. It does not matter if you are white, black, christian, athiest, jewish, gay, or straight. All that matters is that you are human. And you deserve to be treated like a human. We are so obsessed with lables, we forget we are all in this together. Stop the hate and start caring about each other. It doesnt matter who you are or where youre from. We all bleed when cut and cry tears when pained. Stop the hate.

  8. I like your point of view Anonymous. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing!

  9. Hmmm.. This reminds me of a conversation with a girl "Pier Girl" that I knew once, I wonder what happened to her?
